New Print Acquisitions

Collection at Sempacherstrasse

The holdings of the subject Psychology at the Sempacherstrasse library are scientifically oriented and aimed at a broad public. There is a collection of dictionaries in the reading room on the first floor. In the open access area on the 2nd floor under the letters "CL-CZ" you will find mainly basic scientific literature for school, university and work as well as advice literature.

Collection at Uni/PH

The focus of the collection in the subject of Psychology at the Uni/PH Building is on literature for the training and further education of teachers as well as for teaching and research at the Lucerne University of Teacher Education. In addition to basic literature, the collection also includes specialized literature. The collection, most of which is in German, is supplemented by English-language media. Books from the field of psychology are listed under the letter "CL-CZ".

Search & Find

  • swisscovery RZS: Comprehensive research portal for printed and electronic media in the Central Switzerland region.
  • swisscovery RZS - Uni/PH: Comprehensive search portal for printed and electronic media for members of the University of Lucerne and the Universities of Teacher Education Lucerne, Schwyz and Zug.
  • swisscovery: Switzerland-wide search in over 490 academic libraries and the National Library



lic. phil. Nives Egger

Subject Librarian Psychology

+41 (0)41 349 76 18MailMail